Fire, First Aid & Emergency
HLTIAD011 Provide First Aid + CPR
HLTAID011 Provide First Aid + CPR provides course participants with the knowledge and skill to confidently recognise; respond effectively and safely to a first aid incident. Course participants will gain confidence in providing a first aid response; life support; management of casualty's unit qualified emergency support arrives.
This unit of competency is the advised minimum requirement for the Workplace First Aider (WHS legislation).
PUAFER008 - Confine small emergencies in a facility ( Fire Extinguisher Training )
This Course gives you the skills and knowledge required to confine small emergencies in a facility and it applies to occupants who are required to have first attack firefighting skills. It includes preparing for emergency situations, identifying and assessing an emergency, safely confining emergencies, using initial response equipment and reporting on the facility's emergency response.
Fire Extinguisher training is suitable for experienced persons who work in all occupations
PUAWER005 Operate as part of an Emergency Control Organisation
This course provides participants with the relevant knowledge and skills required to perform the role of workplace fire warden in accordance with relevant work health safety (WHS)/occupational health and safety (OHS) regulations.