ConsultingTestimonial Post Slider

“Completing the course in a timely manner!”

Completing the course in a timely manner!  Systec Staff were a useful resource when required some of the question I needed help with to clarified them. - Mick

“Highly recommended”

Systec catered for my needs as a working individual and allowed me the time and space to work within my current employment.  They are very easy to work with and very helpful throughout the whole course.  Highly recommended for all people looking to do these types of Courses. - Alex

“I really like the course”

Kate has successfully completed Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety - Kate [[testimonials_slider]]

I highly recommend

"I would like to personally say that you have one of the best trainer i have come across. The fact that he made me understand the course in the simplest way possible its just mind blowing. I thought i was going to go through 5 full day of boring talks but i was surprised . Glenn made our training enjoyable. I highly recommend him." P.F

“highly recommended”

"I would like to personally say that you have one of the best trainer i have come across. The fact that he made me understand the course in the simplest way possible its just mind blowing. I thought i was going to go through 5 full day of boring talks but i was surprised . Glenn made our training enjoyable. I highly recommend him." P.F.  

Research Services

Professional research for organisations wishing to advance safety, environmental and public policy objectives.

We are dedicated to advancing public, business, student and community interests.SysTec can assist with the development of regulatory frameworks, technical guidance materials and senor management education and information to suit your business.

We can also provide your organisation with assistance with detailed compliance audits and regulatory compliance advice.

We are able to provide a professional research capability for organisations wishing to advance safety, environmental and public policy objectives.

Key compliance areas include:

  • OHS regulatory and contract compliance
  • Dangerous goods safety compliance
  • Environmental legislation compliance
  • Electrical safety compliance
  • Mine safety compliance
  • Environmental protection

SysTec provides regulatory assistance to the following industry sectors:


Mineral Resources


(on and off shore)

Specialist Trades work

Engineering trades


Gas Safety

Past Projects Include:

Manual handling, sprain and strain interactive software

Provision of assistance in the development of the onshore petroleum legislation for Victoria

Review of Asbestos Regulations Victoria 2007

Regulatory compliance audits, assistance with development of technical guidelines

Safety case guidelines for offshore platforms

Development of the regulatory model for Gas Safety Regulation Victoria 

Discussion Paper

Development of a discussion paper for the New South Wales Minerals Council on the design of a Health and
Safety Regulatory Regime for the NSW Coal Mining Industry

Government Departments

 Assistance to government departments and ongoing consultation with industry on regulatory matters. Services offered include:

  • Survey design
  • Research paper development
  • Technical guideline development
  • Stakeholder group facilitation
  • Evaluation services
  • OHS&E software
  • Education materials and booklets

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