SysTec RTO was established in 2004 and is an Australian owned Registered Training Organisation (No. 21443). As a Registered Training Organisation we provide a wide range of accredited and non-accredited Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses to the mining, petroleum, resources, construction, trade and manufacturing sectors.

SysTec RTO aims to supply quality training programmes to course participants, clients and employers by

  • Providing an educational programme of excellence that prepares graduates for work as capable self reliant and engaged professionals
  • Producing graduates competent in their professional skills, abilities and knowledge who are capable of adapting new methods, approaches and technologies in their field of endeavour
  • Innovating, expanding and improving flexible learning on a continuous basis

SysTec RTO ensures that it complies with the VQF Standards for National VET Regulator (NVR) Registered Training Organisations and any national guidelines approved by the National Skills Standards Council (NSSC). This applies to all of the operations within our scope of registration, as listed on SysTec RTO monitors training and assessment services provided on its behalf to ensure that they comply with all aspects of the VET Quality Framework and the Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations 2011.

SysTec RTO’s training solutions are designed to meet both individual and industry needs. We offer a variety of flexible training options to suit organisations, busy lifestyles and individual learning styles. SysTec RTO offers classroom, distance and online training programmes and we can customise training to suit specific industry and business requirements. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is also available.

Our trainers and assessors are experienced industry professionals with the practical skills and knowledge required to assist course participants in completing their training programmes. All SysTec RTO trainers and assessors undertake regular professional development activities to ensure that they are up to date with current industry practice.

SysTec RTO is committed to the constant review of our practices and procedures and welcomes feedback from clients, course participants and employers in order to continually improve all products and services on offer.

SysTec RTO is a delegated RTO as determind by ASQA (Australian Skills Quality Authority) and is audited in order to retain its RTO status.