
SysTec Registered Training Organisation is committed to providing quality training programmes for our course participants so that they can achieve their career and personal goals. SysTec RTO fosters an environment where course participants can develop skills and values to enable them to participate effectively and efficiently in their field of endeavour and in the wider community.


Our vision is to be the training organisation of choice for employers and course participants within the vocational education and training areas of workplace health and safety, civil construction, business and technical management.


Our mission is to provide outstanding training products and services within our areas of expertise, with a focus on providing for the needs of individuals, organisations and industry in Australia and South East Asia.


To be recognised by our customers for the delivery of quality training services in Australia and South East Asia and to provide quality training programmes to course participants, clients and employers by

  • Providing training programmes of excellence that prepare graduates for work as capable self reliant and engaged professionals
  • Producing graduates competent in their professional skills, abilities and knowledge who are capable of adapting new methods, approaches and technologies in their field of endeavour
  • Innovating, expanding and improving flexible learning on a continual basis